
Each week, the tourist offices of La Chapelle, Châtel, Abondance and the Swiss village of Morgins organize a wide range of activities. On this page, we have picked some of the best events and presented them. For more information, you can always go to the relevant tourist office.

17 September 2017 La Jeunesse de l’Humanité

Pays d’art et d’histoire organizes an educational event, during which Maya will take you back to prehistoric times in the Alps. Where: Pont de Cevennes (2 p.m. until 5 p.m.) 1 October 2017 Foire d’Automne The autumn event of the year! The cows and their farmers close off a wonderful time in the mountains and come down to the valley for the winter. They make it one big party with a ‘concours de fromage Abondance’, a fun market with local products, activities for children and musical accompaniment. Where: Abondance (entire day)

8 October 2017 Rando Rose du Val d’Abondance

Charitable event as part of the battle against breast cancer. Hike, cycle, roll or participate in some other way and support this great charity. Register at Abondance town hall. Where: various starting points along the banks of the Dranse river (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) For up to date information on events in and around La Chapelle d’Abondance, see the website.